Open ITF Taekwondo official logo 2024

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How Open ITF started

Open ITF was established by its’ members, for the benefit of its’ members. In contrast to numerous ITF branches that have emerged since our Founders’ passing, we remain committed to preserving the Founders’ legacy.

The Open ITF branched out from the original International Taekwondo Federation, established by the arts’ late Founder, General Choi Hong Hi. It was created to provide a haven for instructors and groups overwhelmed by the arts’ politics. A collective of like-minded Taekwondo Grandmasters founded the Open ITF with the primary goal of offering certification.

Over the years, the Open ITF has experienced significant growth, leading our members and the Grandmasters panel to extend affiliation opportunities to clubs and groups worldwide. We’ve organised world and European championships, as well as numerous International Instructor Courses (I.I.C).

The appeal of joining the Open ITF lies in our commitment to the founder’s 1999 encyclopedia. Consequently, new members must undergo a comprehensive background check, verifying their timeline history and the legitimacy of their current grade. We are currently offering free membership to all clubs, groups, and associations until 2026.

If you’re prepared to be part of a progressive, non-profit and apolitical organisation, please complete the form above. We will contact you to discuss further details. There is no requirement to change uniforms or wear our logo and there are no annual fees at present, which is likely to remain unchanged as our administration is committed to maintaining free membership.

Please fill in the form above to start a conversation. If you are an existing Taekwondo member or seeking information on Open ITF clubs and events, take a moment to explore our site.


Open ITF News

Events underway!

GTUK British -Hosted by Grandmaster Oldham 9th Degree and his team this is the GTUK's premier event of the year. Saturday 1st March 2025Doors open 9amArena, Sports Connexion, Coventry  XXI South East Opens -Affiliates to...

AI Avatar launched

New AvatarOur webmaster has now implemented a NEW avatar on our website called 'Top Dog.' Currently, he is set to give basic information on Open ITF but will soon become a fully functional avatar that will offer live support.Our Webmaster, Master Snow, is...


Master Snow VIII Offers stretching advice -For many, stretching is difficult, but it does not have to be. Before one gains flexibility, they must first understand some basics.If we take a bit of play dough out of the cupboard and just yank it, it will...

Open ITF launches

Today, September 28th, marks the exciting launch of the brand new Open ITF website. We have appointed Master Snow VIII as our media manager to oversee our social media presence and lead the development of our site. In the upcoming months, you can expect to...
Cover for Open ITF TaeKwon-Do
Open ITF TaeKwon-Do

Open ITF TaeKwon-Do

Created by members for the members, the Open ITF offers certification, competitions, seminars, and support for TaeKwon-Do students globally.

1 week ago

Open ITF TaeKwon-Do is live! 👊 It’s officially time to sign up for the EMAP Open Championships 2025! Saturday 26 April we are returning to Thornbury for our open competition 🥳 Entries can now be made on our website and you can also pre book your spectator tickets. We already have some new clubs joining us this year so we know it’s going to be one of the best ones so far 😏 ... See MoreSee Less
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Join Open ITF now!

For all genuine clubs and associations

Who we are

Our Story

Open ITF is, above all, a community of martial artists united by a passion for the Korean martial art of Taekwon-do. Many of us are senior black belt holders, with some attaining the esteemed rank of Grandmaster 9th Dan Black Belt. We always remember why we began practicing this remarkable art. Unfortunately, Taekwon-do has been exploited by some for power and personal gain. Open ITF prioritises its’ members while also upholding the traditional values envisioned by our late Founder for the arts’ perpetuation.

Open ITF Vision

Open ITF Gold LogoAs an international Taekwon-do organisation, our vision is to establish a global branch dedicated to preserving the legacy of General Choi Hong Hi. Therefore, all members must comply with our fundamental principles and rules.

We will not tolerate individuals who have sought promotions by exploiting the arts’ timeline. Nor will we accept the internal discord common in other groups. Our commitment is to unity, not conflict.

Open ITF Mission

Open ITF Gold LogoThe Open ITF aims to restore order and tranquility in Taekwon-do by embracing a policy of brotherhood, offering a platform where all practitioners can come together. By upholding the integrity of grades and ensuring the timeline is never breached, we will offer international certification recognised worldwide, alongside events that our members will take pride in. Finally, all groups will adhere to the tenets as set by the arts’ Founder General Choi Hong Hi, but also adopting humility as the unwritten tenet that will bring back peace in the art.

Open ITF services

The services Open ITF offer are as follows –

Open ITF Gold Logo

  1. Affiliation for all worldwide
  2. International Black Belt certification
  3. Official International events 
  4. Member event listings
  5. Club listings

Our founding GM’s

Of Open ITF

The founding Grandmasters of Open ITF bring decades of experience in Taekwon-do, each boasting up to 50 years of dedication to the art and having participated in numerous International Instructor Courses (IICs). This wealth of experience ensures that Open ITF is an excellent choice for anyone interested in the discipline.


Roy Oldham 


Bupindha Sohota


Ian Lawes

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